FIDELA Photo Gallery

June 7-8

Special thanks to the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation (IAMC), who have provided this content.



Inaugural Reception

Opening Plenary Session

Keynote Addresses

Engaging religious leaders to strengthen inclusive democracies, protect human rights and fight against corruption

Multireligious collaboration to improve pandemic response and resilience

Interreligious approaches to address root causes of refugee and migration movements

Interreligious cooperation to stabilize fragile democracies

Religious perspectives on green growth and sustainable development in harmony with the environment

Extending welcome from faith communities at the US-Mexico border

Responding to the challenges of freedom of conscience and religion

Ensuring full engagement of women and girls in religion and society



Plenary Session - The role of faith communities in peace-building in the Americas

Enhancing religious contributions to diversity and inclusion

Youth interreligious cooperation to fight racism in the Americas

Religious restorative and reconciliatory practices in building beloved communities

Closing Plenary Session

Presentation of declaration and recommendations to the Ninth Summit of the Americas

Concluding Remarks